Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Joust with Myself & Nihilism

If something worth living for is worth dying for, then what about something not worth dying for? Why can't we rectify our artificial notions of order with the worldwide reality we encounter every day? Just a few oppugns that perplex, complicate and gravel my very hub this day.

Is it the privilege of a broken of a man to seek answers? The existentialists; mock the notion of a complete and fully satisfying life. Man cannot help aspiring toward the goods of this world, nor can he help aspiring toward the serene detachment from the things of this world which the traditional philosopher sought after; but it is not within his power to achieve either of these ambitions, or having achieved them to find therein the satisfaction he had anticipated.

Should I deconstruct false values, highlight social absurdities, criticize fractional logic and the fundamentals of faith. Given that no one can deny anyone else the ability to describe themselves as they see fit; whether the description is accurate or not is another matter. Whoever wants to be a creator of good or evil, must first be an annihilator; break, rupture and destroy values. Thus the highest evil belongs to the greatest goodness; but this is being creative. Some would argue that life is more than just survival, perhaps so but if this is the case only you can create a sustainable, valid reason for living beyond the inviolate basics. Even just sticking around to burn it all is a far more sustainable reason that will put more in your clenched fist than the hazy fog that most people grasp at for self enlightenment.

Regardless of who we are or what background we come from as soon as we are confronted by any alien belief or an idea-set that opposes, debates, refutes, questions and criticizes; our faith. The vehement and violent you are propelled to defend what you in essence do not understand. Because religion isn't just repetitive rituals and praying to some spirit in the sky, religions are fundamentally defined as any idea-set that disallows a public challenge to its validity.

So from this day forth I shall;

Shatter Myths

Defeat Isolation

Defy Tradition

Contradict Habit

Reorder Routine

Repel Convenience

Upset Convention.........


  1. Hi!Seen u after almost 20yrs.I would like to accept ur proposal,if u consider me one.RITU CHAUHAN(FRANK ANTHONY PUBLIC SCHOOL)
