Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Short Yarn Slashed Shorter.......

Weathering the winter chill he walked toward the terminus of his journey, what he thought had been an odyssey; was fast becoming an epos of his deeds. The lambency in the far distance. The willed yet compulsive trudging, of his tired torso hurdling hummocks of snow. All connived to partake in his necrosis. This consumption he knew not of, for he was the paladin of nescience. Nor did he know that the next four paces were not toward the aureole he so desired to contact, but were steps he so willingly was taking towards his impending exit……..Yes he did die, but not for naught, for he left a bequest for all drifters; “the journey of thousand leagues can end with a single step”…….

"Watching You"

Sitting alone on the bedside table, denouncing away;
The mos that makes up someone else’s day.
I hear nothing but the marking of every second within the confines of my dial;
I wish much too much, that I was alas once again agile,
I see but a mere reflection of my world through my concave view;
The tenners of me unwinding with someone else’s coiling have left me knackered beyond a repair or two.
As I sing my last ticking song;
I know in this world I did belong.
For being the coveted trophy, that adjourned the wrist of my victor;
I was their pride, joy and time hector.
I wassail thee my owners with the last clank of my sound;
For I, was your timekeeper whom you so lovingly wound.